Bing back my Baby to me ? Microsoft to enter the race for more sophisticated search on the internet

Bing back my Baby to me – Microsoft to enter the race for more sophisticated search on the internet


In the last few years we have seen several companies and research institutions take up the battle on information flow on the internet and convert it into useful knowledge for the users around the world.

Google became in a short period of time the market leader of search engines and through its business model, creates a healthy return to its stock owners. However, things are changing on the internet. Users are changing as well, as they become more sophisticated and more demanding of what they want from the internet. This will require some development in how we do searches as well. Search for knowledge either its personal or corporate interests, has challenges as it stands today.

Companies are in need to do more sophisticated knowledge hunt in order to satisfy their business intelligence needs, and individuals are in quest for knowledge in areas like medicine, travels and other personal matters.

All this makes a search for authentic and quality information very important. The use of semantics and mathematic relations to sort out the information available and transform it into knowledge has been tried by several parties in the last 5 years.

So, now Microsoft takes up the challenge again and says Bing and Decide. And Microsoft is to take up the competition with Google.

Microsoft will initiate its search engine Bing and will enter into a competition with the major search engine Google.

Microsoft has tried before with MSN Search and Live Search without success and no threat to Google at all.

Microsoft is charging ahead according to Wall Street Journal with a more effective search engine because it searches deeper into the web pages to find the search string you look for.

The name is supposed to be an important key to success as well.  The name BING is short and easy to say and will work worldwide on all types of domains says Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer.

The advertisement budget is on around 100 million Dollars, and we just have to wait and see how effective it will be and how well received the search engine Bing will be.

So if you can not Google it, Microsoft will help you bing it to you!

Bing it to me baby!

The question is what do you want and how do you want it? Harvesting the web for information has been around us for decades now. However, its been a changing arena with various engines to achieve this for us and now the market leader Google has been our main provider for some years. Will it last? My answer to this is a clear no. The competitors are arriving and will provide the information harvesters amongst us with more comprehensive tools in near future, and some are already there for us.

The latest news is that Microsoft will launch its new search engine called Bing on June 3, and prepares to compete more effectively with Google. I question that Google is the main competition at the moment or should be regarded as the main competitor when it comes to harvesting information on the web and other sources.

While Google invented the advertising-based search model, which produces most popular items for each query, Microsoft is aiming to change the search game by calling Bing a “decision engine” , which will offer more insights to users for helping them take decisions, and not necessarily throw the most popular and relevant items.

“We are introducing a new level of organization to search results, and our differentiator will be the best results for query,” Satya Nadella, senior vice- president (R&D , online services division) Microsoft told the media.

So Google are getting more competitors by the day, are they for real or will they just vanish into the shadow like the rest of them? Will Google be the king of the hill for the foreseen future, or will it meet its make sooner or later?

Cuil has made an effort, as break away people of Google try to launch their version of a search engine.

WolframeAlpha is making an effort to convert your searches into knowledge search and claims to be a computational knowledge search engine.

Hakia is another knowledge search engine which claims to be an ontological semantic and natural language processing (NLP) based search engine.

Inxight SmartDiscovery Awareness Server claims to discover the right information quickly, when you need it. It is a federated search solution for integrated and logical composite of a variety of information sources, including internet, deep web, and subscription content as well as documents, data and records repositories, such as Google Search appliance and Oracle Secure Enterprise Search installations.

Tracking your searches is a topic of interest for the genuine researcher, who should be careful revealing what he works on and does not want to have others looking into what his interests are at a given point of time. This could be due to the sensitivity of his searches and the research he is doing or it could simply be that he does not want to be used in any advertisement campaign.

Therefore we see other capability technologies to add on to the search engines like Kapow Technologies which provide Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Data Collection and the vanguard of new data access capabilities for extracting web data, whether inside or outside the firewall. The term “open” refers to overt, publicly available sources (as opposed to covert or classified sources). Kapow enables the analysts and IT to reliably and surgically extract web data without time-consuming coding, scripting or unreliable screen-scraping. Kapow arms intelligence, defense and civilian agencies with capabilities to extract web data from any source with a new level of accuracy.  These new capabilities can feed it into any data structure, application, search tool (Endeca, Chiliad, Google Search Applicance, Inxight, etc) Business Intelligence (Business Objects, Cognos, Hyperion, SaaS,etc)  or Analytic model (Palantir, Thetus, Inxight, Autonomy, Language Weaver, NetOwl, Agent Logic, etc.)

Are we on the threshold of a new generation of search engines, that will serve the purpose of special interest groups or researches in need of more knowledge, for the decision makers that will need to information to make their decisions?

It certainly looks like due to the expanding volume of information available on the internet, there is a need to be more intelligent in how to get hold of the right information at the right time for the right people.

Smart search has been a term for a long time, and it seems like it becomes more and more important as the explosion of information is overwhelming and the verification and quality control of the information available on the internet will be more and more important to the users.

Converting information to knowledge has become a huge challenge on the internet, corporate intranets and even in your local network at home. The amount of information stored in today’s society is enormous, and each individual will need a way to search their information stored in an effective way to find what they need and nothing more.

Google is the first generation of global search engine, and we enter the era of the second generation search engines that will become the knowledge engine.

We still remain to see the optimal web harvesting solution that is intuitive and accessable to the normal web user, either he is corporate or personal. Harvesting the web for the knowledge available there is a huge task, however it seems to come at a price to the users at the moment, and the price is too high for most of them. We have already begun to create an upper class of information hunters on the web, namely those corporates or rich individuals that can afford to use the existing tools available to search for knowledge in the open space around us, the web.


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