Google Caffeine- challenges for SEO professionals

The hottest debate raging on presently among webmasters is the pros and cons of the new Google Caffeine, which is being claimed to be a greater search index, capable of providing fresher search results than the Google’s previous index, and also to deal with the vast info being added continuously in social portals like Facebook and Twitter. SEO pros have a challenging task ahead of them, in order to orient their search engine optimization methods to suit the new search parameters of the new Google Caffeine search engine index.

Not too long back, Google was content with updating its search engine index once every month. This meant that each and every fresh content added to the web appeared in Google search outcomes after considerable time, often after the relevance of the matter ceased to exist. A case in study had been the 9/11 attacks on the American Trade Center, when Google was discovered extremely lacking in broadcasting the most recent news over the web. This spurred the search engine giant in to action, and it realized the significance of real time web updates. Google Caffeine was thus developed keeping in mind the will need to live up to ever growing users’ and web masters’ expectations to catch the most recent content the instant it is published.

Google Caffeine focuses on updating its database on a continuous basis, and also appears to have higher crawling properties. The result is that you could expect to discover your search page results very different from the earlier, for the exact same keyword, every time you log in. Instead of crawling the whole web at once, Google Caffeine crawls tiny portions and updates its index continually, immediately publishing the relevant content which meets all the white-hat search engine optimization requirements.

So what methods ought to SEO professionals adopt although working with Google Caffeine? Though Google Caffeine supplies quick updates of its database, it will be selective of the matter which is to be published on priority. Websites having a higher page rank will be crawled quicker than the other people. In addition, news feeds and blogs will be updated ahead of other websites.

Google Caffeine has incorporated a toolbar section for blog listings both above and below the search results, reiterating its affinity for quality content. Web pages reviewed, linked and shared vide social networking and bookmarking internet sites like Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon and MySpace will also get instant visibility, which in turn will make certain more conversions. This is quite understandable, since as the Google SERPs are a key revenue earner for Google, it aims to display the most quality, the most relevant and well-known web pages in its results. For the exact same reason, expect on-page search engine optimization elements like distinctive content, titles, page navigation, keyword density, alt tags, meta tags, page views to rank your website higher in Google Caffeine. Website speed will also be an essential factor for higher rankings.

With Google Caffeine, Semantic searches have grow to be the order of the day. Effectively researched SEO keywords and their strategic placement in the web pages will be useful to get a place in relevant search results.

With Google improving its algorithms with a view of encouraging genuine, quality and relevant web pages in its search outcomes, it is clear that short cut tactics in search engine optimization would just not do. What needs to be seen in future is whether Google Caffeine will location greater importance to keyworded domains, i.e. domain names which have the relevant keyword embedded in them. SEO experts reason that keyworded domains will have the searched keywords in their backlinks, thus bringing them to the top of the search outcomes.

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