The Semantic Web and its importance to website promotion

The Semantic Web is meant to be the successor to the web we all use and love today. Its architect is no other than the creator of the web, Tim Berners-Lee. The idea behind the Semantic Web is making it easy for machines to understand a site’s content. Web development languages today, i.e., HTML, are designed for making content easily readable by people. It is very hard for software agents to extract the semantics (or meaning) of a website since no such information can be encoded by webmasters using HTML or any other popular web development technology used today.

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Web 3.0 & the Power of the Semantic Web

Web 3.0 describes the next evolution of the World Wide Web. The term “Web 3.0” has been floating around for quite a while now, but what does it exactly mean? The true definition of Web 3.0 has been unclear ever since it has been created. When trying to get a hold of the concept it is important to keep in mind that Web 3.0 is rather a buzzword and doesn’t clearly define anything.



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Task Oriented Search and Task Oriented Search Engines

Task Oriented Search is a web search executed with the purpose of assisting in the fulfillment of a specified task. Task Oriented Searches provide search results concerning different aspects of the task.

Before a search result can be provided to a Task Oriented Search, some preliminary processing is required by the Task Oriented Search Engine:

1. Task analysis and breakdown
2. Sub task definition, weight assignment and Sub Task Ranking
3. Sub task processing and ranking

When a search query is executed by a user, the search engine deducts according to keywords, natural language or other querying syntaxes, to which sub task the search is referring.  A sub task is then selected based on the Sub Task Ranking Matrix (STRM), and the search engine assigns the optimal, most probable super task. For the selected super task, the search engine will then produce a search result in the form of either textual links or mashup, according to the implementing search engine.

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