Wold wide web has undergone so numerous recent developments. After the web world has experienced so several issues like that of hacking, cross browser compatibility, there came up the need of some standard guiding principles which can resolve these problems. Keeping this in mind, W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) came into existence in 1994. The motto was “Leading the web to its full possible.. “. After that, the clean and logical HTML/XHTML for marking up the content, use of CSS where required, and single object document model for scripting became important.
a) Web Design and Application: When a web page or web internet site is said to be compliant with web standards, it indicates that the page has a valid CSS, SVG, Ajax, Javascript and HTML meet the accessibility criteria to the folks with disabilities (WCAG), internationalized, and work on mobile devices , cross browser compatibility and semantic guidelines. It is utilized to take place that as the sites are designed by Adobe Dreamweaver or Microsoft front page. But the latter produces the HTML coding which do not conform to W3C standards. But Dreamweaver and other modern Microsoft HTML documents do conform to the web standards. In the web world, the following standards have been defined:
b) XML Technology: It entails XML, XQuery, XML Schema, XSLT, XSL-FO, standards.
c) Web of Devices: The primary idea is to make the web accessible at all the devices which are being utilized anytime and anywhere. This further consist of mobile phones, smart phones, other mobile devices and electronics, printers, automobiles, Interactive televisions,laptops, palmtops etc.
d) Semantic web: This has been referred to “web of data” .The vision of W3C is to create such a web of data which is spread over a enormous network and which can support faithful interactions over such a massive network. Semantic Web technologies permit you to produce data stores on the Web, develop vocabularies, and write rules for handling and maintenance of data. Linked data are supported by technologies such as RDF, SPARQL, OWL, and SKOS.
In future, designs which are all standards compliant would be accepted. As, the Web is not operated by a single individual or the group. The advantages of Standards are Accessibility, browser Compatibility, Easy and Quicker download & display. W3C have constituted the web standards in true sense. Every thing which is guided by the set of standards and principles attain quicker development.