10 Ways to Know Everything

Looking for news that interests you is finest compared to playing pool with a loose turd.

If there’s 1 thing I realised in 2009 becoming a freelancer for the first time, it’s that demands for News Now are greater than ever just before.

I feel it. And so do you. It’s not excellent sufficient to have yesterday’s events delivered on sheets of paper, despite the greatest efforts of The Sun to compare its tree-destroying work to an iPhone.

Most of the time it’s too laborious to even go to your favourite list of sites.

Finding the news that matters is like attempting to sail the Atlantic on a boat made of feathers.

The semantic web (Web 3. if you’re a ponce) will aid change all this automatically. Through folksonomy and taxonomy (organising and tagging, for regular people). But we’re not there yet.

So how do we revolutionise and streamline our info seeking behaviour in this time poor world of ours?

It’s simple. We turn the wheel the other way and make the data come to us.

Here’s your 10 for today:

10 ways to get it now:

Greatest for… Obtaining it.

1. RSS. People still do not get it. You probably do – but if you’re only vaguely web-oriented (seriously, there are individuals who haven’t heard of Facebook and they don’t live in mental hospitals) then Truly Simple Syndication is anything but. Thankfully it’s simpler than ever to subscribe to feeds from your favourite sites utilizing that natty little orange symbol living in your address bar, or clicking the RSS link on websites that care. The curse here is information overload – like many geeks I have large swathes of content flying into my Google Reader. But there are loads of methods to get what you want from what you’ve subscribed to. So lengthy as you have the power to search (dead effortless), organise (use folders) and trash (if you come back to 1000s of news items, can them and start afresh – once you’ve searched keywords that are most crucial to you to glean the few bits that matter correct now) you can manage your RSS. Promise!

I’m not going to unduly confuse matters but the guy who ‘created’ – at least in component – RSS, Dave Winer, has come up with the goods for the next-gen RSS referred to as River2. Do not worry your self over this proper now; in a nutshell it’s a quicker way of having your stuff dished up. RSS will suffice until River2 is much more widely acknowledged by the big boys.

If you hate Google simply because you’re insecure about the safety of your personal details, and most likely freak out when the concierge calls you by your very first name after you’ve stayed at the exact same Travelodge nine times in the exact same month, then you can constantly point all your RSS feeds to a cool widget-style website referred to as Netvibes instead.

RSS is the delivery mechanism. I’m gonna focus down below on the greatest techniques to facilitate RSS…

Greatest for… Finding it.

2. Google News Custom Section. Newspapers on steroids – tailored to you, and in your face only when what you want is in the pipe. There’s significantly much more about this sacred
bit of kit here but in a nutshell what you’re getting is the chance to select all the keywords and phrases that matter to you in your daily life and develop up an RSS feed that only features this stuff. It’s like a newspaper built of pixels with your name in the masthead!

Very best for… Bringing it all together.

three. Yahoo Pipes. If number 2 is web news on steroids, this is LSD. At it’s easiest, it’s an aggregator: it enables you to bring lots of RSS feeds together to be delivered from one single source. You can produce a fix of each and every news story imaginable and have it shoehorned into a feed type of your selection (for RSS, even though the popularest, isn’t the only feed style available). Yahoo Pipes is so incredibly clever. But it also acts as a filter – you can screen feeds by keyword/location, for example, so if you have a news source feed that doesn’t fairly hit the spot for you, it can be refined by ‘Pipes to give only what you want. Virtually worth creating a Yahoo account for. Nearly, as in ‘you have to’.

Very best for… Spying.

4. Gist. This is where I deviate from my customary tradition of recommending stuff I ‘get’. So numerous people have yayed Gist I feel compelled to share it with you. Gist asks for your contacts stored across Twitter, Outlook, Facebook, LinkedIn etc and brings all the news together about them. So next time you talk you have every thing you want to know at your fingertips. Outstanding in execution, they say. I installed the Gist plugin in MS Outlook and it doesn’t seem to do anything. But I haven’t toyed and the groundswell of public opinion suggests you should get it. Now. And Q – drop your poison-tipped umbrella in the uridium-lined locker on your way out.

Very best for… Getting answers.

5. Hunch. Can’t determine whether to dump him? Searching for a present for your friend with no legs? Hunch is here to aid! Curates crowdsourcing tech to give you the ultimate answers to numerous of life’s burning questions. Go through a basic procedure of numerous option questions and find the answer that could really literally change your life. Finally, question curation comes of age. After a bumpy start, Hunch is what it ought to be – a cure for indecision. Sadly, I couldn’t locate out regardless of whether Gloria Estefan walks around her house with no knickers on, but trainers aren’t a great gift for Hopalong…

Best for… Showing off.

6. Google Ajax Feed. How to get your website visitors to read about your weird fetish for cow bells? It’s simple! Google Ajax Feed presents your RSS feeds du jour in a stylish, disappeary tickertape-kind panel of loveliness. I discovered this yesterday but soon as I get the chance to implement it on davethackeray.com I’ll bang it in. I was searching to add a timeshare RSS feed for a client but all it spewed out was talk of Cialis so it needs a little tweaking, but if you want to run a feed on Paris Hilton’s norks it need to crank out little distractions.

Greatest for… Acquiring down with the children.

7. Tweetdeck (or Seesmic). Manage your social media in one place. These web ‘clients’ (they run as programs rather than in your web browser) let you handle all your Twitter, Facebook (and in Tweetdeck’s case, LinkedIn) status updates in a super-slick way. Run searches on keywords, hashtags and phrases popping up in Twitter, group your favourite Tweeps, auto-shorten URLs and drop pictures into your feeds. Both these babies run on Adobe Air framework which in English means they’re damn fast. Having said that, if you want a web site that does a similar (but not as very good a) job you could always have a play with Hootsuite. Or Ping.fm if you want to merely update all your social media web sites in 1 breath. But that’s not ‘get it’ as much as ‘give it’. Focus, DT.

Finest for… Old school nu-news.

8. bbc.co.uk. If you still love the traditional site experience (am I really saying ‘traditional’ in this context? Outstanding! My god, I’ve just turned 156 years old in 5 years) then this is a far better way to grab your brain biscuits than the average web window. You can personalise and tailor your BBC homepage by dragging and dropping the distinct sections where you want them. Newsvine is another great example of how this cute technology promises to revolutionise the net experience. Of course you can do similar things utilizing iGoogle but again, be wary since there’s almost certainly a person in a black Google bomber jacket in your kitchen inspecting your freezer contents as you’re reading this.

Best for… Swimming by means of the news with out drowning.

9. CNET River. I love blending stuff. I particularly love Will It Blend? since it’s the ideal example of a viral marketing campaign by a blender-making company. Kinda niche, huh? But the only place an iPhone truly belongs is in the gnashing blades of a Blendtec appliance. My third-favourite example of blending (second is cocktail-making making use of as significantly Tequila as is humanly achievable to consume) is the CNET River that mashes up the most recent blogs, photo galleries, videos, and tweets from the company’s editors to give you a holistic view of the news problems of the day. One place – lots of opinion.

Very best for… Stupid stuff and pop culture.

10. Digg.com. Maybe I’ve a weird tingly thing for its founder Kevin Rose. I’ve been addicted to the vlog Diggnation since Jamaica 2007. I do not feel the same way about Alex Albrecht; I feel it’s the hair that’s a turn-off. And his squeaky drawl. Digg invites users to submit content that other people vote on. All categories


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