Freelance Web Designer India

Freelance Web Designer India

Web Designing
We have extensive design experience in several industries as diverse as Real Estate, Corporate Consulting, Immigration, and Shopping. No matter what your industry or design style, our talent is committed to developing innovative and special design solutions suited to your business. We also go way beyond standard “static” websites. We can custom build database driven on the web applications to streamline your company’s operations, integrate with your existing software or other sites, add animation and interactivity, and develop interactive tours and video footage and a lot much more!

For web internet sites to succeed online, your web designer requirements to implement semantic web design to help you obtain high ranking in search results like Google. Our freelance web design services include web design and usability analysis as well as search engine and social media marketing to aid your web site attract a lot more targeted traffic. Our freelance web design India will help you achieve your goal of productive web marketing.

Web Development
we also focus on Content Management Systems (CMS), ecommerce, real estates, social communities, news, and building intranet web sites for corporate and other types of consumers. The CMS web sites are built on open sources like Joomla, Drupal, and Word Press. The platform used for the custom ecommerce websites are Oscommerce and x-cart. And our professionals have enough expertise to customize and develop newer functionalities for the distinct platforms. The newest in our offering are works based on the Linux Apache MySQL and PHP (LAMP) technology.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the procedure of shining a spotlight on an otherwise invisible internet site. Our SEO Team from India do more for you than just successful SEO – we do successful website marketing, and SEO is one incredibly helpful tool. We begin by assuming that your objective is to make a profit or promote a trigger, not to be able to say “We are the top ranked internet site for super-gizmos.” Our preoccupation with your bottom line begins in choosing the search terms to work on, so that you are targeting real and reachable buyers who are ready to spend.

We then work to construct your rankings, so that consumers will locate your site rather than your competitors’ sites. Much more on this process below. Finally, we make sure that you’re landing pages – the pages that we rank in the search engines – funnel buyers into your sales method. This is a key oversight of quite a few SEO consultants, who are focused just on what occurs at Google or Yahoo or MSN, but do not take a direct interest in your sales method.

Graphic Designing & Logo Designing
Logo design and graphic design in general is all about communication. And good communication equals good design! By working directly with a designer rather than an account handler it enables clear communication between client & designer, and that really influences the success of a project.

Whilst the majority of clients initially come to Jon for a new logo, they usually stay in touch over the years and use Jon as a base for all their design needs. And with the flexibility of collaboration, this means the full range of abilities of a larger design agency, with all the advantages of a a lot more intimate and cost effective service.

Web Hosting & Domain Name Registration
NetDezigns is a web solution provider which books your domain name online as well as offers hosting facilities on Linux, Windows, UNIX and NT servers.

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