Internet Marketing & SEO Basics: 2 More Tips to Effectively Target your Audience Online

The last time we looked at on the web targeting we addressed the concepts of day-component and events-triggered targeting. In this article we shall turn our attention to semantic and technographic targeting. Just before we do, though, it would be beneficial to re-establish the importance of targeting your key consumers on the internet. Each and every year billion is spent on advertising, with around 2 billion directed at the wrong audience. Each advertising dollar counts and it is essential that your messaging is received by the right men and women at the right time.


Semantic Targeting


Imagine the following scenario. You are distributor of a specific brand of scotch and you are looking to construct awareness for the brand and promote your latest funds saving deals. You advertise on the internet and pay for specific keywords with your advertising bundle such that on different occasions when scotch is searched for, your advertisement appears. However, on one such occasion when your advertisement appears, the article it accompanies is about a young student who died from alcohol poisoning having excessively consumed scotch. To have your brand associated with this story is clearly detrimental to your advertising intentions. By using semantic targeting, this scenario can be avoided.


When choosing keywords, the technology analyzes the context of your particular words in relation to your motive, and then only allows your ad to be exposed on suitable pages. The technology can also ensure that your ads are not located on websites with any offensive or inappropriate content. Semantic targeting is said to improve targeting accuracy substantially, from under 50% to as high as 98%. Consequently, when placing any advertisements on the web it is crucial that you identify a digital agency with semantic targeting capabilities in order to make sure that your message is contextually relevant and featured on the appropriate websites.


Technographic Targeting


This kind of targeting entails researching the technological capabilities of pc users, and finding out their on-line habits. It can distinguish whether a user has a high-speed world wide web connection, whether or not they use a particular sort of operating system, or even a certain sort of browser. This details is essential on a behavioural level simply because it gives a marketer important information about how tech savvy the consumer is, and also on a practical level, it can help a marketer decide on the correct level of technology to target the proper men and women. An example of this may possibly be if your ad contained a video display; if a user does not have Flash player installed then obviously your efforts have been wasted.


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